Bertini Bio
Dave Bertini, Rotary District 5150
Faculty Member
Dave is a 34-year veteran Law Enforcement, and recently retired as the Chief of the Menlo Park Police Department. He started his career with the Pacifica Police Department where he rose to the rank of Captain in 2008, and in 2011 took a position as Commander for the Menlo Park Police Department, before being appointed as the Chief of Police in 2018.
Dave has been involved in Rotary International since 2000, and is a member of the Rotary Club of Pacifica. He is past president of that club (2009/2010) and the Group Study Exchange team leader for a GSE trip to Italy District 2060 in 2010. Dave is also a certified PRLS (Potential Rotary Leadership Seminar) instructor since 2010, and has been an instructor for PETS (President Elect Training Seminar) since 2015. He was an Assistant Governor for District 5150 from 2016-2018. He is currently the District’s Youth Protection Officer and Annual Fund Chair. Dave participated in a “Keep India Polio Free” international project in 2018, is a Major Donor to The Rotary Foundation and a member of the Bequest Society.
Dave is a graduate of the College of San Mateo and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management from Saint Mary’s College. He is a POST (Police Officer Standard and Training) certified instructor and is a graduate of the California POST Master Instructor Development Program, a one year intensive program deigned to create a cadre of highly trained law enforcement instructors throughout the state. Dave is also a graduate of the POST Command College program and the Senior Management in Policing program. He also holds a Master’s Degree in Military History from Norwich University.