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NOTE: If you are unable to attend during the scheduled dates, you must make arrangements with your District Governor-Elect to attend an alternate PETS.
A list of DGEs can be found here (click link)
Registration Details - IMPORTANT
Please read completely before beginning your registration below:
All rooms are managed by the PETS committee.  Do not call the hotel.
Registration is now open for Presidents-Elect 
(those serving their club from July 2025 to June 2026)
  • Registration closes February 7th, 2025.  NO REFUNDS AFTER February 7th, 2025
  • Shared rooms are encouraged, not just for logistics, but also to foster invaluable friendships and new networking opportunities.
  • Single occupancy rooms are limited and available to presidents-elect only starting 12/9.
  • Single occupancy rooms not guaranteed without completed payment at the time of registration.
  • Registration for a shared room is $890. This includes Friday and Saturday nights hotel, 6 meals, 2 receptions and all instructional materials.
  • Registration for a single room is $1125. This includes Friday and Saturday nights hotel, 6 meals, 2 receptions and all instructional materials. Note that most clubs only reimburse the shared room rate, so you would be responsible for the difference.
  • Additional rooms are also available to add for Thursday or Sunday for an additional charge. However, the room type must be the same as Friday and Saturday.
  • Check-In at the hotel opens at 8:00 AM on Friday.  You will need to check in to receive your schedule and name badge with bar code, which is required to gain entry into the General Sessions (meal sessions).
  • PETS starts promptly with lunch at 11:30 AM on Friday and finishes Sunday at approximately 1:00 PM.
  • There is limited parking at the hotel. Plan on arriving early and/or carpooling.
  • Plan sufficient time for parking, check-in, and general orientation before PETS starts.
  • Please review the Pre-Arrival Info & FAQ on our landing page.
Your Far West PETS Planning Team is excited to present an inspiring and fun PETS 2025 for you. In light of continuing  Covid, RSV and other viral concerns, we know you may have apprehension about attending a large group event.
Rest assured that your health and safety are of the utmost importance, and we will continue to monitor the guidelines the health officials in the County of Santa Clara, where Far West PETS will be held. 
During the event, facial covering is at your option.
As we receive additional or updated information, the PETS team will share it with you.  Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

IMPORTANT: There are two different registration links.
If your club or district uses DACdb, please use the Member Login tab. 
if you need to use the "Forgot Password" and you don't see a response in your Inbox, be sure to check your Junk/Spam folder. 
If your club or district is a ClubRunner or other club management system user, please use the Guest Registration tab.

Do not call the hotel to make a reservation. The reservation will be made for you when you complete your registration.
Assistant Governors, Sergeant at Arms, Instructors, DG-Line and others will be registered by their district at a date to be announced after the January 1st.
Payment by Credit Card is recommended and encouraged.
If paying by check, please mail promptly to:
Rotary Far West PETS
PO Box 1208
Madera, CA 93639.
(Again, please note that registrations will not be confirmed until payment is received)
Sherry Cotta, Treasurer
+1(209) 649-6912
For assistance with registration:
Diana Barden
Please allow 24 hours for a response