Rotary Learning Center
Rotary Learning Center
Access the Rotary Learning Center by logging on to
Rotary Basics (e-learning; 15 minutes) Taking Rotary Basics will help you learn more about Rotary. The course is designed for new members, but can also be a great refresher for other members or even nonmembers who simply want to know what Rotary is about.
Club President Basics includes 10 courses—pick the ones that appeal to your needs, and we highly recommend the following:
Get Ready, Club President (e-learning; 45 minutes) Learn how to run your club, strengthen your membership, conduct successful service projects and help your club become more vibrant. (get this course by enrolling in the Club President Learning Plan)
Leading Change (e-learning; 30 minutes) Every organization must adapt and evolve to stay effective and relevant, but change isn’t always easy. In this course, you’ll learn the basics of how to manage change, including how to succeed in leading it, how to assess people’s readiness to make changes, how to plan for change, and how to respond to any resistance.
Preventing and Addressing Harassment (e-learning; 45 minutes) This course reviews Rotary’s policy on a harassment-free environment. It defines harassment, provides steps for those being harassed, and for those receiving allegations. Take this course to lean how you can create a harassment-free environment in your club.
Essentials of Understanding Conflict (e-learning; 30 minutes) In this course, you will learn the essential of how to understand, manage, and resolve conflict. You’ll define conflict and learn about the main types of conflict. You’ll explore conflict management styles, their applications, and begin to assess your own style. You’ll also review steps to solve conflict and think about how you can apply that to all kinds of conflicts you encounter yourself.
PLUS Protecting Youth Program Participants (e-learning; 30 minutes)
There are lots of additional e-learning courses on Membership, Practicing Flexibility and Innovation, Rotary Club Central Resources, Rotary Foundation Basics, Grant Management Seminar, and so much more!
You can even recommend the Rotary Learning Center to others in your club.